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Beyond the Classroom: Our Thong Lor Community & International Kindergarten’s Commitment

by @LittleTreehouseBangkok on August 29, 2024

At Little TreeHouse Nursery, we believe that early childhood is a time of wonder, curiosity, and boundless potential. Our approach to learning is inspired by a tapestry of renowned educational philosophies, creating a dynamic and enriching environment where every child can flourish.

We’ve carefully curated a curriculum that seamlessly blends:

The Green School Initiative: Sustainability and environmental awareness are woven into the fabric of our school, inspiring children to become responsible global citizens and caretakers of our planet.

The British Early Years Foundation Stages (EYFS) Curriculum: This comprehensive framework provides a structured yet flexible approach, ensuring children develop essential skills and knowledge across all areas of development.

The Reggio Emilia Approach: This philosophy views children as capable and curious learners, encouraging exploration, creativity, and collaboration through project-based learning and expressive arts.

The Montessori Methodology: This approach emphasizes independence, self-directed learning, and hands-on experiences with carefully designed materials, fostering a love for learning and a sense of accomplishment.

Nurturing a Supportive Network

We recognize that parents play an integral role in their children’s development. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where parents feel connected and supported. Through regular events, workshops, and communication channels, we provide opportunities for families to engage with each other, share experiences, and build lasting friendships.

Community Partnerships

We are proud to be an active member of the Thong Lor community. We believe in giving back and making a positive impact on our surroundings. We actively seek partnerships with local organizations and businesses to enrich our children’s learning experiences and contribute to the vibrancy of our neighborhood. From participating in community events to organizing charity drives, we encourage our students to develop a sense of social responsibility and global citizenship.

Fostering Global Connections

As an international pre-school and kindergarten, we celebrate diversity and embrace the richness of different cultures. We provide a space where children from all backgrounds can learn and grow together. Our curriculum incorporates elements of global awareness, encouraging children to appreciate and respect the world around them. We also organize cultural events and activities that showcase the unique traditions and customs of our diverse community.


At Little Tree House Nursery, we are more than just an international nursery and kindergarten in Thong Lor. We are a community hub where families can connect, children can thrive, and lifelong learning is celebrated.We invite you to join our Little Tree House family and experience the difference our commitment to community makes. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can support your child’s journey of growth and discovery

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